If you are, or have ever been, a renter, then you have likely had to pay a security deposit as part of your lease. You may also have had a landlord refuse to return all or part of your deposit. Many renters in New Jersey are not aware that New Jersey law dictates what happens at the end of the lease term and what your landlord’s obligations are regarding the return of the security deposit. This article is meant to provide a brief overview of the landlord’s obligations after the tenant has vacated and the tenant’s recourse when a landlord withholds a security deposit.
Clearing Criminal Records for Survivors of Human Trafficking
In January, we take time to recognize National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. The crime of human trafficking thrives on silence and obscurity, and this month seeks to raise awareness about human trafficking, acknowledge the resilience of survivors, and recognize the efforts of anti-trafficking service providers throughout the country.
Getting Back on the Road to Your Future: Restoring a Driver’s License in New Jersey
In New Jersey, there are hundreds of reasons why someone’s driving privileges can be suspended, including reasons that have little to do with unsafe driving. Suspended driving privileges can force people to choose between continuing to drive to keep their employment and risk more fines and/or criminal charges, or seeking new employment accessible by public transportation or within walking distance from their home. Further, even for those who can secure steady employment close to home, many jobs require a valid license even when the job responsibilities do not entail driving.
Estate Planning on a Budget in New Jersey
Estate planning is often seen as something only necessary for the wealthy, but the reality is, everyone can benefit from having a plan in place. Whether you're young and just starting out or approaching retirement, having an estate plan ensures your wishes are followed and your loved ones are protected. In New Jersey, estate planning doesn’t have to be expensive, and with the right guidance, you can create a comprehensive plan on a budget. This article will walk you through the importance of estate planning, when to begin, what is involved, and how to save money along the way, as well as how Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ) helps veterans who have no- and low-incomes in New Jersey with wills, powers of attorney (POA), and healthcare directives.
Modifying Child Support in New Jersey
n New Jersey, both parents have a responsibility to support their child or children. Parents can come to an agreement about how much child support should be or they can ask the court to decide a fair amount. The court will consider different factors such as each parents’ income, the number of children, the custodial arrangements, healthcare costs, and so on.
Once child support is set, it is not permanent meaning it can be changed. It is common for financial and other situations for parents to change after a child support obligation has been established. Either parent, whether receiving or paying, may request a child support modification when there has been a substantial change in circumstances.
Healthy at Home: What Tenants Should Do When Their Housing is No Longer Habitable
Many tenants we speak with at Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ), and many tenants across New Jersey, struggle with poor conditions in their rental units, creating stressful, frustrating, and at times, dangerous living situations. These issues range from infestations to mold, leaks to nonfunctioning appliances, broken locks, lack of heat, and more. It often feels like complaints or requests for repairs are not heard and issues remain unrepaired. If this sounds familiar to you or a friend or family member, please read on to learn what steps you should take as a tenant in New Jersey and what your rights are when it comes to “habitability.”
How Pro Bono Legal Services Can Secure Second Chances
Nine out of ten employers check criminal records when determining who to hire. Four out of five landlords use background checks when choosing tenants. Three in five colleges and universities consider criminal backgrounds when deciding who to admit. When you have a criminal record, the sentence does not end once time is served or fine paid; the stigma of having a criminal past follows well into the future. Thankfully expungement has the power to change that. Volunteer Lawyers for Justice’s ReLeSe (Reentry Legal Services) Program provides access to expungement for neighbors and community members, and when you volunteer with ReLeSe, you provide that life-changing relief.
What to Do When Debt Collectors Come Calling
Poverty is transitory, and defines no one. I regularly say this to our clients and our volunteers. However, it takes work to ensure that it holds true in practice. That work starts with you taking the first step by assessing your circumstances and moving toward a brighter and self-determined future. So, congratulations: you’ve started that journey simply by choosing to read this post and deciding to make a choice on the kind of financial future you want.
How to Help Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking
Human trafficking, sometimes called modern-day slavery, is the practice of traffickers using force, fraud, or coercion to compel victims to engage in commercial sex or forced labor. It is a global issue with lasting traumatic impact on communities and individuals that is still not fully understood. As awareness grows, so too has interest in helping those being trafficked.
Navigating Divorce in New Jersey
The divorce process can be a legally complicated and emotionally draining process. Like many legal processes, there are specific steps that need to be followed, often with deadlines attached. Knowing what to expect can help reduce surprises and help you make the best decisions for yourself and your family.
Competently and Compassionately Advocating for Students with Special Education Needs
When it comes to education, ensuring every child receives the support they need to thrive is paramount. For students with special education needs, this often requires tailored programs and services to address their unique learning requirements. However, navigating the complexities of securing these services can be challenging and frustrating for parents and guardians. In this article, we highlight some obstacles faced by families when advocating for their children's special education needs while exploring support that can make a meaningful difference.
Why Financially Supporting Civil Legal Services is Critical to Community and Societal Stability
Under the United States Constitution, a person facing a criminal charge is granted the right to an attorney (generally termed a “public defender”) that is paid for by the government. However, no such constitutional protection for civil legal matters exists—even if the outcome of the civil legal matter is as potentially life-changing as a prison sentence would be. For civil legal matters in the U.S., individuals must pay for their own lawyer or represent themselves, though most people cannot adequately do either. A fact: people facing civil legal challenges are far more likely to win their legal cases when they have an attorney.
Understanding Trauma-Informed Legal Services: A Compassionate Approach to Law Practice
What is something over 223 million Americans have experienced? Trauma. Yet, for something that impacts over 70% of the U.S. population, how often is it spoken about at the dinner table? The doctor’s office? In the courtroom?
What to Do If You Are Facing Eviction in New Jersey
Between increasing rent and decreasing supply of quality, affordable housing, tenants are left with few good options on where to live. The options are even more limited when a tenant faces an eviction, which is a legal attempt to remove them from their home. Even worse, once someone is evicted, they likely have a “black mark” that in some states could come up during a tenant background check. This makes it extremely important for tenants facing eviction to find out what their rights are and to speak with an attorney as soon as possible.
To help provide a useful starting point for tenants either facing or at risk of an eviction, this is a brief overview of some of New Jersey’s eviction laws. It is not a complete guide to all of a tenant’s rights, and it does not take the place of speaking with an attorney for individual advice regarding your situation.
Honoring Veterans with Pro Bono: Our Commitment on Veterans Day
This Veterans Day, Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ) honors the more than 18 million military veterans in the United States, 350,000 of whom reside in New Jersey. Veterans are the first to give of themselves and the last to ask for help they deserve. VLJ is dedicated to serving those who served and providing them with access to civil legal services. VLJ and its partners have dedicated resources, staff, and volunteers exclusively to serve veterans and meet their unmet civil legal needs not just on a holiday like Veterans Day, but every single day.
The Benefits of Volunteering Your Time for Pro Bono
With this week being National Celebration of Pro Bono Week, there is no better time to dig into the numerous advantages of volunteering your time and talent with Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ). Engaging in pro bono offers many benefits that extend far beyond just lending a hand. For law students, legal professionals, and even those with a background unrelated to law, pro bono provides a unique avenue to gain valuable practical experience, enhance professional skills, and contribute to the greater good by ensuring access to justice for people experiencing poverty. This article explores five compelling reasons why undertaking pro bono at VLJ is a “win-win” for anyone looking to enrich their legal career, connect with like-minded individuals, and make a meaningful impact in their communities.