New Attorney Volunteer Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with VLJ as a volunteer attorney! In the form below, please tell us more about yourself and your availability.

Upon completion of the below form, you will receive an email with information about how to get started. You will also be added to VLJ’s email listserv to begin receiving information about current volunteer opportunities, organizational updates, upcoming events, CLE trainings, and more.

If you are a law student or non-attorney professional (e.g., paralegal, executive assistant, other professional, etc.), do not submit this form. Instead, please fill out VLJ's Non-Attorney Volunteer Form here.

Have questions about volunteering with VLJ? Email
Emerald Sheay at

Thanks for your interest in getting involved with Volunteer Lawyers for Justice and changing lives!

You will be contacted by a VLJ representative within the next week to discuss your interests. You will also be added to VLJ's listserv so you can receive updates regarding new opportunities, VLJ events and CLE trainings, and more. Thank you again and we look forward to working with you!


If you are a lawyer with Merck & Co., Inc., PSEG, Prudential, AT&T, Gibbons PC, McCarter & English, Panasonic, or BASF, in addition to completing this form, please contact your internal pro bono coordinator. These offices might have additional tracking/scheduling as they work regularly with several VLJ programs.