Diana Onuschak — Pro Bono: From Passion to Practice Blog — Volunteer Lawyers for Justice

Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ)’s business hours are Monday - Thursday, from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Eastern; the office is closed on Fridays.

Diana Onuschak

Getting Back on the Road to Your Future: Restoring a Driver’s License in New Jersey

Getting Back on the Road to Your Future: Restoring a Driver’s License in New Jersey

In New Jersey, there are hundreds of reasons why someone’s driving privileges can be suspended, including reasons that have little to do with unsafe driving. Suspended driving privileges can force people to choose between continuing to drive to keep their employment and risk more fines and/or criminal charges, or seeking new employment accessible by public transportation or within walking distance from their home. Further, even for those who can secure steady employment close to home, many jobs require a valid license even when the job responsibilities do not entail driving.