Jeff Stephens

How Does the Return of a Security Deposit Work in New Jersey?

How Does the Return of a Security Deposit Work in New Jersey?

If you are, or have ever been, a renter, then you have likely had to pay a security deposit as part of your lease. You may also have had a landlord refuse to return all or part of your deposit.  Many renters in New Jersey are not aware that New Jersey law dictates what happens at the end of the lease term and what your landlord’s obligations are regarding the return of the security deposit. This article is meant to provide a brief overview of the landlord’s obligations after the tenant has vacated and the tenant’s recourse when a landlord withholds a security deposit. 

What to Do When Debt Collectors Come Calling

What to Do When Debt Collectors Come Calling

Poverty is transitory, and defines no one. I regularly say this to our clients and our volunteers. However, it takes work to ensure that it holds true in practice. That work starts with you taking the first step by assessing your circumstances and moving toward a brighter and self-determined future. So, congratulations: you’ve started that journey simply by choosing to read this post and deciding to make a choice on the kind of financial future you want.