The Power of Pro Bono - “Dalia"

Image is a stock photo and not of the actual client.

As a new mother and after a high-risk pregnancy, Dalia* needed to stay home to care for her newborn and herself. Unfortunately, not long after her child was born, Dalia was served with a collection complaint seeking over $2500. Although Dalia’s spouse worked, with only one income in home, they were unable to pay this debt, meaning a likely judgment and further collection action, compounding an already difficult time for Dalia.

Dalia came to Volunteer Lawyers for Justice seeking help. VLJ's Carmen Obando thoroughly prepared the file and scheduled Dalia for one of VLJ’s Debt Relief Legal Program legal clinics. As is the case for many clients we serve, Dalia’s first language is not English, requiring the assistance of a Portuguese interpreter. VLJ's Diana Onuschak attempted to find an interpreter for the clinic, but after contacting three Portuguese-speaking volunteers, none were available.  

Daniela Geraldo, a VLJ Tenancy Program staff attorney who speaks Portuguese, stepped up and interpreted. This made it possible for Nari Wang, a former VLJ staff attorney, to prepare an answer to the debt collection complaint. After multiple attempts by Dalia and Daniela to negotiate a settlement with the creditor before filing the answer, it became clear the plaintiff’s attorney would not respond.

Even after filing the answer, attempts at negotiation continued, hoping to avoid a trial. When opposing counsel continued to be unresponsive to Dalia's attempts to negotiate, a volunteer interpreter based in Utah was brought in to assist VLJ's ongoing efforts. VLJ was insistent and continued its attempts to reach the opposing counsel leading up to trial, and finally, connected with the firm's managing attorney the day before trial. Through this last-minute development VLJ was able to successfully negotiate a settlement on all the terms sought by Dalia: forgiving approximately 1/3 of the claimed debt and a long-term installment plan. 

Now, Dalia can focus on her newborn and recovery without litigation and collection actions looming over them. That’s the power of pro bono.

*Name has been changed to protect and ensure client privacy.