Karen Robinson

Bill Prohibiting Disclosure of Pending Expungement Orders Sent to NJ Governor

Bill Prohibiting Disclosure of Pending Expungement Orders Sent to NJ Governor

A bill that would prohibit the State Bureau of Identification (SBI) in the Division of State Police from sharing criminal history information for people with unprocessed expungement records passed the New Jersey Senate and General Assembly in January and was sent to Governor Murphy. Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ) supports S2513/A3881 preventing expunged criminal records from disclosure by the SBI.

VLJ December 2023 Defender of Justice: Karen Robinson

VLJ December 2023 Defender of Justice: Karen Robinson

Dedicated to Justice. Determined to Ensure Justice. Defender of Justice.

Three phrases to describe one incredible person, so incredible it would be a disservice not to shine a much-deserved spotlight on her. For Volunteer Lawyers for Justice’s December 2023 Defender of Justice, we celebrate a pillar of our organization: Karen Robinson.

New Jersey Office of the Public Defender Sues New Jersey State Police

New Jersey Office of the Public Defender Sues New Jersey State Police

The New Jersey Office of the Public Defender today announced that it filed a class action lawsuit against the New Jersey State Police to require it to stop unlawfully disclosing the criminal records of tens of thousands of individuals in violation of their court-ordered expungements. New Jersey has been on the forefront of expanding opportunities for people to expunge their criminal records, and the courts have ordered the records of thousands of New Jerseyans expunged. Once an expungement is granted, the New Jersey State Police is charged with removing such offenses from background checks. But the State Police’s extreme delays in processing expungement orders and sealing individuals’ criminal records is frustrating the law’s goals of allowing reformed and rehabilitated New Jerseyans to be freed from the collateral consequences of their past lives.

VLJ Staff Published in NJSBA's New Jersey Lawyer - February 2023 Edition

VLJ Staff Published in NJSBA's New Jersey Lawyer - February 2023 Edition

Volunteers for Justice staff Adelina Herrarte (Senior Staff Attorney), Melanie Zelikovsky (former intern), and Karen Robinson (Managing Attorney) recently had articles published in the New Jersey State Bar Association’s New Jersey Lawyer February 2023 edition.